Participation by Aboriginal, Métis or Inuit Person

Participants were asked to self‐identify the following:

A5b Do you consider yourself to be an Aboriginal, Métis or Inuit Person

Of the 92 participants who responded, nine percent were Aboriginal, Métis or Inuit. Three
participants did not identify.

Participation by Aboriginal, Métis or Inuit Person
Total Participants Yes No
92 8 84

Participation by Years of Formal Education Completed

Participants were asked to self-identify the following:

A6 During your lifetime, how many years of formal education have you completed, beginning with grade one and not counting repeated years at the same level? blank years.
If 00, No education, Go to A8

Turn page for more questions

Of the 90 participants who responded, 41 percent indicated 11 years or less, 39 percent selected between 12 and 13 years and 20 percent with 14 years or more. Five participants did not indicate Years of Formal Education Completed.

Participation by Years of Formal Education Completed
Total Participants ≤ 11 years 12 – 13 years ≥ 14 years
90 37 35 18