TOWES Scores by Canadian Born

The following table compares mean TOWES scores by Canadian Born. Mean TOWES scores for Born in Canada were higher (mean score 2.7) than those Born Outside of Canada (mean score of 2.4).

Mean TOWES Scores by Canadian Born
Birth Origin N Mean Reading Text Document Use Numeracy
Born in Canada 72 2.7* 2.8* 2.3* 3.1*
Born Outside
of Canada
20 2.4* 2.5* 1.98* 2.8*

TOWES Scores by Number of Years Living in Canada

Of the 20 participants who self-identified as Born Outside of Canada, there was minimal difference in mean TOWES scores based upon the Number of Years Living in Canada.

Mean TOWES Scores by Number of Years Living in Canada
Years in
N Mean Reading Text Document Use Numeracy
≤ 5 Years 5 2.3* 2.4* 1.96* 2.7*
6‐10 Years 5 2.4* 2.5* 1.98* 2.8*
≥ 11 years 10 2.4* 2.6* 1.96* 2.9*

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