Box 200, Station Q
Toronto, Ontario M4T 2T1
Tel: 1-800-663-1800
TV Ontario is the public broadcasting system for the province. They have co-produced (with United Way) and aired the Board Basics series (manual and videos) for volunteers.The participant’s component of the series can be purchased by calling the Viewer Services department at TVO.
45 Charles Street East, 5th Floor
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1S2
Tel: 1-800-263-2887 or 416-963-4927
Fax: 416-963-8781
The Trillium Foundation is dedicated to work with others to make strategic investments to build healthy, sustainable and caring communities in Ontario.They could be a non-government source of funding for your agency! You can also link to their site through the CLO website at
404-56 Sparks Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5A9
Tel: 1-800-267-8221 or 613-236-7041
Fax: 613-236-3087
The website for United Way of Canada can link you with local and regional offices, training opportunities and resources.The Board Basics Kit for Volunteer Organizations is the organization’s component in the series (co-produced with TVO), and can be ordered directly through the United Way of Canada.
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 302
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B2
Tel: 1-800-670-0401
Fax: 613-236-6797
Volunteer Canada oversees a number of important initiatives in the volunteer sector. Currently you can get two memberships for the price of one as CAVR and Volunteer Canada offer a joint membership for $60. Join this professional association and check out the certification process to become a designated Administrator of Volunteer Resources (AVR). Volunteer Canada also coordinates the National Education Campaign on Screening.
#301 - 3102 Main Street
Vancouver, B.C.V5T 3G7
Tel: 604-875-9144
Fax: 604-875-0710
Volunteer Vancouver has a useful website with up-to-date research, articles and volunteer management resources.