16. Policy – Financial Controls – Annual Audit Review
An annual audit review will be completed and presented to the members of the corporation for their
- At the annual meeting, the Board of Directors will recommend to the membership of the
corporation the name of a chartered accountant to conduct the audit review for the next fiscal
year. The auditor must be appointed by a formal resolution from the membership.
- The auditor will conduct an audit review of CLO's financial/accounting systems and ensure that
financial statements and records have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles.
- The audit report will be presented to the Board for its approval as soon as is feasible after the
end of the fiscal year.
17. Policy – Financial Conmtrols – Review of Financial Statements
The Board of Directors of CLO will review the financial statements (for CLO's operating budget and for
all special projects) on a regular basis (at least six times per year).
- The Treasurer will receive and review all financial statements on a monthly basis.
- The Board of Directors will receive and review financial statements indicating CLO's current
cash position in relation to the approved budgets at least six times per year.
- The Board of Directors will ensure that they understand the financial statements.
- The Board of Directors will pass formal motions indicating their acceptance of the financial
18. Policy – Financial Controls – Signing Authority
Community Literacy of Ontario will adhere to the signing authority requirements as specified in the
bylaws of our organization.
- The Board of Directors shall formally appoint signing officers on an annual basis.
- Signing officers may be Board members, the Executive Director and/or organizational members
of the corporation.
- CLO and the bank will maintain a formal list of names, titles and signatures of those individuals
who have signing authority.
- There will be two authorized officers' signatures on all CLO financial transactions and legal
agreements. One of the signatories must be a Board member of CLO.