25. Policy – Financial Controls – Board/Staff Expenses
Approved Board and staff expenses will be reimbursed if accompanied by proper documentation and if
within the limits set by the Board of Directors.
- All expenses must be within the limits set by the Board of Directors.
- Expense limits will be set and reviewed annually. They will be compared with MET limits.
- All expenses must be related to approved costs for attending meetings, long distance charges
associated with CLO business, and approved cost of office or meeting supplies.
- All expense reports must be submitted within one month after the expense is incurred.
- Original receipts must be included with all expense reports.
26. Policy – Financial Processes – Banking Services
Community Literacy of Ontario will enter into an agreement with a recognized chartered bank that will
provide the banking services needed.
- CLO will ensure that the chartered bank provides the following services:
- Chequing services for required accounts.
- Provision of cancelled cheques on a monthly basis; with a statement showing all debits
and credits.
- Payment of interest at current rate for all surplus funds held in any special account.
- Consultation on the banking requirements of the organization.
- Bank accounts will be reconciled monthly by the designated staff person.
27. Policy – Financial Processes – Payroll
Payroll records will be kept current and will be updated on a regular basis.
- Payroll information will include the following:
- Employee's name and address
- Employee's Social Insurance Number
- Employee's desired taxation code
- Employee's date of birth
- CLO core staff will be paid on a semi-monthly basis, on the 15th and 30th of each month. If
these dates fall on a weekend, employees will be paid on the closest Friday to that date.
- Contract employees will be paid as directed in their contract.