2.6 Operating Structure

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Even with the best governing documents, policies and procedures will remain theoretical if they cannot be translated into activities that are assigned to particular groups or individuals. Indeed, the very lifeblood of your agency is the way in which you organize people to carry out the agency’s business. The better understood everyone’s roles and responsibilities, the more effective your agency can be. Starting with an organizational chart, try to outline these relationships within your agency.

An effective literacy system relies on clear, distinct roles and responsibilities for government, agencies and learners. (From Literacy and Basic Skills Program (LBS) Guidelines, MET, 1998, p.12.)

If it seems bureaucratic to put precious time and effort into formalizing something that already works well, consider how writing down clear expectations or presenting them visually in a diagram may prevent confusion and give people more scope for acting in creative, proactive ways. Both staff and volunteers can take their roles more seriously in a well-defined, professionally run organization. They no longer need to waste time wondering how a decision is made or where they should take a concern. When expectations are explicit and agreed upon from the start, all people involved can see themselves as productive partners. Everyone functions better when their time and energy are respected.

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities outline what is expected of us and what we can expect of one another.

The place to begin understanding who does what is with the board itself. Although there are many descriptions and systems for classifying how boards operate, one of the best resources, which has integrated the essential elements of many other resources, comes from the CLO/OMAFRA on-line Board/Staff Relations Workshop, fall 1998. According to the unique philosophies and circumstances of your organization, you will operate with a model of board management that probably falls somewhere along the following continuum. Knowing where your agency stands can be useful to identify and better understand your type or model of board.