The Responsibilities of the Executive Officers are:

  1. The Chairperson (or President)
    • presides over meetings, maintains order, keeps meetings moving and orderly
    • prepares the agenda, with input from board and staff
    • applies the rules of meeting procedure
    • ensures that the board adheres to the constitution, by-laws and mission
    • represents the organization and hold signing authority
    • provides leadership without giving own opinions; must abide by group decisions
    • delegates responsibilities; ensures that tasks and resolutions are carried out
    • chairs the Executive Committee
    • liaises between the board and the Executive Director
    • ensures that the annual review of the Executive Director is done (in conjunction with the Chair of the Personnel Committee
    • ensures that board performance is evaluated
    • represents the organization to the public as official spokesperson
    • ensures that records of board proceedings are maintained
    • prepares the report from the board for the Annual General Meeting
    • holds signing authority
    • orients the new Chairperson
    • performs other duties as requested.
  2. Vice-Chairperson (Vice-President or even President-Elect)
    • assists the Chair
    • performs the Chair’s duties in the Chair’s absence.
  1. Secretary (the Secretary/ Treasurer position may be combined)
    • keeps a record of ideas, decisions, policies, by-laws and actions arising from the meetings
    • conducts and summarizes correspondence
    • serves on the Executive Committee
    • notifies members of meetings
    • keeps attendance records of board meetings
    • keeps lists of board members and committees
    • ensures there is a quorum at all meetings
    • signs board meeting minutes
    • records any corrections to the minutes
    • records all motions
    • holds signing authority
    • distributes minutes after meetings
    • orients the new Secretary.
  2. Treasurer (this may be combined with the Secretary/Treasurer)
    • keeps accurate financial records and files for the organization
    • holds signing authority
    • chairs the Finance Committee
    • assists in setting the budget with the Executive Director and Finance Committee
    • ensures employee deductions are remitted
    • receives, endorses and deposits all money, cheques, drafts and dues
    • issues receipts
    • prepares financial statements, provides reports of recent transactions and of the general financial condition of the organization
    • informs board members of bills, expenses and receipts
    • oversees independent audit, as required
    • disburses funds, writes cheques.
    • (Note: If a staff person is hired to perform these duties, then the Treasurer oversees rather than performs the above functions.)