Table 9: Employment status and level of access
EMPLOYMENT STATUS Used the Internet Main reasons why no Internet access
from home
In past
3 months
At home Cost Interest Need
Self-employed 58% 52% 40% 34% 26%
Full-time 61% 45% 38% 34% 28%
Part-time 54% 41% 48% 24% 28%
Seasonal 55% 41% 68% 18% 14%
Term/casual 61% 43% 67% 17% 17%
Unemployed 48% 32% 72% 18% 11%
Student 76% 55% 64% 15% 21%
Retired 20% 20% 22% 50% 28%
Homemaker 33% 30% 48% 30% 23%
Other 34% 29% 56% 38% 6%
Total 51% 40% 42% 33% 25%
Self-employed 65% 64% 32% 33% 35%
Full-time 73% 58% 45% 24% 31%
Part-time 69% 58% 53% 21% 25%
Seasonal 44% 42% 59% 16% 25%
Term/casual 67% 64% 80% 20% 0%
Unemployed 52% 43% 47% 22% 31%
Student 89% 71% 75% 10% 15%
Retired 25% 26% 19% 41% 39%
Homemaker 35% 34% 40% 34% 26%
Other 44% 37% 54% 29% 18%
Total 60% 51% 36% 27% 36%
Self-employed 76% 70% 13% 57% 30%
Full-time 80% 65% 41% 35% 24%
Part-time 74% 62% 48% 28% 24%
Seasonal 64% 49% 50% 29% 21%
Term/casual 85% 64% - 100% -
Unemployed 67% 55% 47% 39% 13%
Student 97% 80% 92% = 8%
Retired 31% 32% 10% 50% 40%
Homemaker 51% 49% 43% 20% 37%
Other 54% 52% 30% 27% 43%
Total 68% 59% 28% 40% 31%
Percentages may not equal 100 per cent due to rounding

Respondents who do not have access to the Internet at home were asked to identify the main reason why they do not have home access. The results show a reasonable split between three main reasons: a plurality indicate a lack of interest (40 per cent), followed by one in three who say they have no need for Internet access at home (31 per cent) and cost (28 per cent).