What will you learn in this workshop
on Functional Context Education?

* You will gain an understanding of the conceptual framework of Functional Context Education (FCE) based on cognitive science. (Chapter 1,3)

* You will learn the scientific, evidence-based research that validates the FCE principles and methods. (Chapters 6,7)

* You will learn how various approaches to "contextual learning" such as “situated,” “embedded” or “integrated” basic skills relate to FCE. (Chapters 1, 2)

* You will learn what research and development following FCE principles and methods has been accomplished in several industrialized nations. (Chapter 2)

* You will learn the differences between FCE and traditional adult education. (Chapters 1,2)

* You will learn how to use FCE principles and methods to design new courses of instruction for workforce education, family literacy, and lifelong learning. (Chapters 6,7)

* You will learn different techniques for determining what is relevant to youth and adult learners: focus groups; individual interviews; literacy task analysis; photographic ethnography; community newspapers; teachers and students as researchers and reporters; environmental analysis and design for learning. (Chapter 5)

* You will learn where you can download free materials for FCE from internet web sites in different nations. (All Chapters)