Learning Disability Training: A New Approach

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Project background:

In the years that Literacy Link South Central has been in the business of coordinating regional training, learning disabilities is a topic that has been addressed a number of times. Usually, the only training available is a one-day, surface exploration of the topic that allows those who attend to understand that learning disabilities exist, that they affect many of our adult learners and that they do so in various ways. Recently, the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) coordinated a project that allowed approximately 25 individuals within Ontario to receive more intensive exposure to information on learning disabilities. To date, this information has not percolated down to all front line practitioners for many valid reasons, such as lack of time and resources. The LBS field in Ontario has an information need that has not yet been completely filled.

This project proposes to take advantage of recent developments in online training (specifically the Centra system) to research and deliver advanced training modules in learning disabilities. Various efforts have been made to increase the field's awareness of the impact of learning disabilities on literacy learners and to share strategies with practitioners to assist learners with literacy acquisition. This project, coupled with MTCU's foresight to provide programs with access to quality computer hardware and software, will enable practitioners in Ontario (from all sectors) to access training to fill in gaps in knowledge. It will also allow them to access training at times that are more convenient to them.