Learning disabilities may also cause difficulties with organizational skills, social perception, and social interaction.

The impairments are generally life-long. However, their effects may be expressed differently over time, depending on the match between the demands of the environment and the individual's characteristics. Some impairments may be noted during the pre-school years, while others may not become evident until much later. During the school years, learning disabilities are suggested by unexpectedly low academic achievement or achievement that is sustainable only through extremely high levels of effort and support.

Learning disabilities are a result of genetic, congenital and/or acquired neurobiological factors. They are not caused by cultural or language differences, inadequate or inappropriate instruction, socio-economic status, or lack of motivation, although any one of these and other factors may compound the impact of learning disabilities. Frequently learning disabilities co-exist with other conditions including: attentional, behavioural, and emotional disorders; sensory impairments; and other medical conditions.

Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO) working description of learning disabilities:

  • Learning disabilities can affect the way in which a person takes in, remembers, understands, and expresses information
  • People with learning disabilities are intelligent and have abilities to learn despite difficulties in processing information
  • Living with a learning disability can have an ongoing impact on friendships, school, work, self-esteem, and daily life
  • People with learning disabilities can succeed when solid coping skills and strategies are developed7