After reading
  • Teach unfamiliar words that were not learned before or during reading
  • Have learners use their own words to explain the meaning of new words
  • Play vocabulary games (e.g. using synonyms, antonyms) to provide enrichment of new word meanings
  • Provide numerous opportunities through activities and reading to extend word knowledge and to develop a deeper understanding of word meanings.31

Suggested strategies

The best method of vocabulary instruction depends on the goals of instruction, the words to be learned, and the characteristics of the learners.

Word building: is a strategy to teach prefixes, suffixes and combining forms. Learners select a root word, select a prefix and/or suffix, and add them to the root word. Learners write a sentence using the newly created word. Root words should be selected from the text to be read.

Illustrate and associate: is a strategy to introduce associations among words, including synonyms, antonyms, and analogies. The strategy involves listing the vocabulary word, writing a brief definition, drawing a picture to illustrate the meaning, and identifying an antonym for the word, if possible.

Word map: is a strategy for learners to map concepts (key vocabulary) by identifying characteristics of the concept and providing examples for the word.32