Multi-sensory Sight-word Strategies found at:

These procedures can be used to teach any rote skill: i.e. math facts, formulas, an alphabet, foreign languages, periodic charts, etc.

  1. Practitioners write the letters of the word in the air in front of them, using whole hand and whole arm motion. Learners follow this example.
    Practitioners fade their spelling prompt. Practitioners say the word before and after the spelling.
  2. Closed-Eye Visualization (visual and auditory):
    Learners close their eyes and try to visualize letters as the practitioner says them.
  3. Blind Writing (auditory, visual, tactile and kinesthetic):
    This is similar to Closed-Eye Visualization, but adds the tactile and kinesthetic. As the practitioner says the letters, the learners, with eyes closed write the words. Use the following sequence:
    • Air Writing: learners use index fingers and middle fingers to write.
    • Chalkboard: learners use index fingers and middle fingers to write words on board. Then they use "chunky" chalk to write on board.
  4. Velvet Board (auditory, visual, tactile and kinesthetic):
    Learners use lapboards covered with a rich textured fabric to write their words. Learners say the word, use their index fingers to write the letters as they say them and repeat the word.

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