Sample math strategies

  • Remembering the multiplication table:
    • Make use of regularities in the number system - i.e. 2, 5, 10
    • Show shortcuts to memorizing i.e. if 8x7 = 56 then 7 x 8 = 56.62

  • Computation:
    • Build on existing knowledge and work from what learners know: i.e. if they know 2 x 6 = 12 then 3 x 6 = 12 + 6 or 9x facts can be estimated as 10x facts and then adjusted (10 x 7 = 70:70 - 7 = 63: 9x7 = 63).63
    • Use modeling. Practitioners demonstrate, while verbalizing the key words associated with each step; the learners then perform the steps while verbalizing and looking at the practitioner's model; and then learners complete the process with just the model available.64
    • Break down new information into the sequential predicating concepts that need to be known before the new skills can be learned, i.e. you have to know addition before you multiply.65 Steps can be shown visually with the use of flow chart or verbally modeled - all depending on learners' needs.
    • Present various methods for computation, and together with the learners, determine which strategy works best for them. Go to for examples of various algorithm strategies.