Venn Diagrams:

Venn diagrams enhance understanding, foster learners' abilities to make connections between texts, and encourage thoughtful reflection and categorization. Comparison is the basis for Venn diagrams.

  1. Have learners look for contrasts and comparisons as they read or after they have read.
  2. Work in small groups of two or three, brainstorming and then drawing a Venn diagram together.
  3. Have the groups share and discuss the diagrams and expand on the ideas within the circles.
  4. Encourage learners to keep the diagrams in their portfolios for future writing activities.18
graphic of Venn diagram

When comparing two articles on an issue, put the facts from each article that are different from each other in the outside circle and the points that both articles share are put in the section where the circles overlap.

Assignment Completion Strategy:

This strategy teaches learners to monitor their assignments from the time an assignment is given until it is completed and submitted to the practitioner. Learners write down assignments; analyze the assignments; schedule various subtasks; complete the subtasks and, ultimately, the entire task; and submit the completed assignment.