A holistic approach to using assistive technologyThere are a number of factors to consider when thinking about using assistive technology. Practitioners should take a holistic approach, which involves looking at learners' prior experiences or knowledge, the interests of the learners and their specific strengths and weaknesses. Any assistive technology that is being considered must serve the learners' needs in their current situation and be useful in other settings related to their goal (i.e. work, further training and independence). The assistive technology that is used does not eliminate the need for instruction in social and academic skills; it is only one piece of the overall support identified in the learners' training plans. "Assistive technology can be thought of as system that resembles a jigsaw puzzle consisting of several pieces. In a typical jigsaw puzzle the puzzle is incomplete and the final image is indistinct until all pieces are in place. The same situation exists with assistive technology systems. Without each piece of the puzzle, the intervention is incomplete, and is more likely to fail".53 Each piece of the puzzle interacts with the other. It is critical to integrate any type of assistive technology into the overall training. Each piece of the puzzle needs to work together for the assistive technology to be successful. ![]() Assistive technologyThis refers to the equipment that is being considered i.e. adapted keyboards, specialized software, reading aids, etc. and the match between the functional needs of adult learners (i.e. learners need to eliminate the spelling errors in their quality service reports at their work setting). |
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