When using accommodations, the complexity of the activity must be maintained. It is important that the skill integrity be kept. To maintain the integrity with the incorporation of an accommodation means that learners can still demonstrate the skills they have learned.
For example: One of the common struggles for adults with learning disabilities is their spelling. If a learner still has difficulty with spelling after exploring and trying a number of spelling strategies, then the use of a spell checker may be considered. In this situation one of the learner's outcomes is to be able to write cover letters for his/her employment search. The key components in the outcome are to demonstrate letter organization skills, knowledge of sentence structure, grammar and general proofreading skills. The demonstration would be accepted when the learner is able to complete a cover letter with the key components even though he/she has used a spell checker. The integrity of the key components has been maintained despite the spell checker accommodation.

The above example shows how the accommodation used has the learners do the tasks in a different way. The accommodations provide the platform for the learners to demonstrate their skill mastery. The essential skills required to meet the outcome are not modified or minimized, and the integrity of the demonstrations is maintained. To ensure that the integrity is maintained, the critical skills for each demonstration need to be identified by the practitioners.54 In the case of a letter, the ability to organize the content, demonstrate sentence structure, use correct grammar and demonstrate overall editing skills were the critical skills.

"The use of accommodations should not become long term crutches, without ongoing efforts to help the adult to learn. Allowing accommodations does not lessen the need to provide learners with strategies to overcome the problem."55