Assessment results (to access full details refer to Module 3)
Summary of expressive writing:
  • Tom had frequent and inconsistent spelling errors.
  • Tom used poor grammar, mixed verbal tenses, and used fragmented and run on sentences.
  • He used limited vocabulary when writing, most likely due to poor spelling because his verbal vocabulary is strong.
  • He had difficulty organizing thoughts in his writing. He just put down the thoughts as they occurred.
Reading and comprehension:
  • Tom struggled with oral reading when confronted with new words or multi-syllabic words - poor word attack problem skills (could not sound out the word and missed parts of the word).
  • While reading orally, he was faced with a number of words he was unable to pronounce and his comprehension declined, as compared to when he was able to read silently.
  • His verbal expression of his understanding of the passage was stronger than his written expression.
Auditory versus visual:
  • Tom's score was much higher when he was asked to circle the word that was different versus having to hear the different word.
Math skills:
  • Overall, Tom's math skills appeared to be fairly strong.
  • He tended to rush through and thus made careless mistakes.
  • He did not see his mistakes and often it was a result of recording the numbers incorrectly (i.e. 256 he would write 265).
  • His poor writing also created errors since he was unable to read his work and had difficulty keeping the column of numbers straight - this was problematic when he had to do 3 digit calculations (+, -).