The student
What does the student
need to do?
Take effective notes.
Read and comprehend various textbooks. |
What are the student's
special needs and current
Samantha has a visual processing disability,
which affects her reading and comprehension
skills. She is very motivated, aware of her
weaknesses and has made attempts to develop
strategies to help her deal with them. |
The environment
What are the instructional
and physical
arrangements? Are there
any special concerns?
At present, Samantha's environment is a
combination of individual and small group
formats. She is concerned with the level and
amount of reading and note-taking she will face
during her ECE training. She may face
instruction that is only visual such as overheads.
What materials and
equipment are currently
available in the
Computers, tape recorders, highlighters, and
individual work stations are currently available. |
What supports are
available to the student
and the people working
with the student on a daily
There are three practitioners in the department
and they have limited access to the Special
Needs Department in the college.
How are the attitudes and
expectations of the people
in the environment likely
to affect the student's
At present, a college-wide professional
development initiative on learning disabilities is
occurring. Most likely the instructors will be
open to accommodations. The current college
preparation program is a very open and
supportive environment.
The Tasks
What activities occur in
the student's natural
environments that enable
progress toward mastery
of identified goals?
The development of individualized training
plans occurs and learning strategies are being
used to help improve Samantha's reading
fluency and comprehension. Material is
presented at her pace. |
What is everyone else
doing? |
At present each learner is working under similar
conditions - however when Samantha enters the
ECE program she will be expected to work at the
pace of the program along with the other
learners. She will be expected to keep up with
the text readings and assignments. |
What are the critical
elements of the activities? |
The critical elements are reading comprehension,
spelling, and sentence structure. |
The Tools
Is a system of assistive
technology tools and
strategies required for the
student to do the tasks in
the environments? |
At present, Samantha is using a variety of
strategies and minor accommodations such as
listening to books on tape and using a spell
checker for her writing. The increase in reading
and writing demands in the ECE program may
require additional supports, other than what is
being used at the present time. |
What no-tech, low-tech
and high-tech options
should be considered for
inclusion in the assistive
technology system for the
Outlines or summaries of notes could be given to
Samantha prior to each lesson. Samantha could
be provided with material that already has the
most important information highlighted (only if
necessary). Samantha could use a tape recorder
during the lesson/lecture. She could be
provided with the opportunity to use a word
processor for her written assignments and
taught how to use the spell checker and
thesaurus. She may benefit from word
prediction software.
Samantha could be allowed more time on tests
to help accommodate her reading
comprehension difficulties.
She could also use a reading pen to help with
spelling and decoding. She could access reading
text hardware and software as well as voice to
text software for lengthy writing assignments.
How could the student's
needs be accommodated
without changing the
critical elements of the
Have the instructors provide her with a simple
overview or summary of what will be learned
before each lesson so that some of the confusing
visual information can make more sense. Allow
more time for her to complete tests. For lengthy
written assignments have Samantha provide a
written outline of her assignment, but allow her
to use the voice to text software to produce the
full report.
Will modifications in the
critical elements of the
activity be necessary to
promote the student's
No - it is expected that with the right
combination of learning strategies and assistive
technology Samantha should be able to meet the
critical elements. |
What strategies might be
used to invite increased
student performance?
The following strategies might be used:
textbook reading comprehension strategies,
strategies for writing, and note-taking
strategies. Provide Samantha with verbal
descriptions to help her understand visual
information and encourage her to clarify and
confirm her understanding of written
information by verbalizing to her instructors.
How might the student
and others try out the
proposed system of tools in
the customary
environments in which
they will be used?
Have Samantha ask permission to attend some
of the ECE classes to practice her note-taking
skills. Get a list of reading and writing
requirements from the program to help
determine the amount of time she will need to
access the reading text and voice-to-text
assistive technology, in relation to her own
attempts at reading and writing using a word