Lesson using DI to teach conditional sentences. Go to:
http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/zaire/131/directlesson.html#8 - Case study integration with SamanthaBrief profile of Samantha:Samantha has entered the college career preparation program to improve her skills so she can earn her ECE diploma. Based on her initial assessment, a potential visual processing learning disability was identified. She has difficulty reading and often will reverse words and leave off endings, which interferes with her comprehension. Samantha is very motivated to learn and has a good support system. Direct Instruction Method:Prior to the lesson (this goal can be shared by all learners in the group)Samantha will be able to identify, explain and create a prefix. Samantha will use her knowledge of prefixes and root words to help with decoding words while reading. At the start of the lessonPractitioner: Today we are going to learn about prefixes. By the end of the lesson you will be able to identify a prefix, understand its meaning, find the root word and create a prefix on your own. I will introduce you to the new skill and information. You will have a chance to practice the new skill in a game and then you will have the opportunity to try the skill on your own. Introduce the skillThe hook: Put the word Prefix on the white board and hand out a sheet with the word on it. Ask the group if they see two words in the one. Encourage them to say the word and break it into two parts where they think the syllables connect. The practitioner may need to model. Then look at the two new words. Ask the group what "fix" means and discuss (i.e. to repair, to change, to modify). Then ask the group what "pre" means (i.e. before, at the beginning). The practitioner provides meaning to clarify when necessary. Then put the two words together (to fix or change the beginning of a word) to help understand what it means. |
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