Tips on how to begin using this approach
Plan - the practitioner must:
- Consider where, and in how much of the learning activity,
collaboration is appropriate
- Establish and communicate clear objectives
- Use suitable techniques
- Prepare content materials, including meaningful questions or
problems for group work
- Structure groups
- Provide a clear sense of expected outcomes of group work42
Discuss roles
Role of practitioner
- Facilitator
- Enters into a process of mutual inquiry
- Relates to learners as a knowledgeable co-learner
- Establishes an appropriate environment for cooperative learning
- Prepares learners for collaborative work by providing a rationale and
the necessary training so that learners can engage in the process
Role of the learner
- Problem solver
- Contributor
- Accepts low or moderate to high expectations for class preparation
- Collaborates with peers
- Views oneself, peers and the thinking of the group as sources of
information and authority
- Is prepared to take turns with different roles during group work
activities such as facilitator, reporter, and recorder or motivator43