Group Retellings

Each member of the group reads a different text on the same topic. The difficulty of the material can be matched to the level of the student. After reading, each member shares what she/he has read. The other members listen and share additional information and insights based on their reading.45

Variation: A variation on the send-a-problem is to use the process to get groups to discuss a real problem for which there may not be any one set answer.

  1. Groups decide on one problem they will consider. It is best if each group considers a different problem.
  2. The same process is used, with the first group brainstorming solutions to a single problem. The problem is written on a piece of paper and attached to the outside of a folder. The solutions are listed and enclosed inside the folder.
  3. The folder is then passed to the next group. Each group brainstorms for 3-5 minutes on the problems they receive without reading the previous group's work and then they place their solutions inside the folders.
  4. This process may continue to one or more groups. The last group reviews all of the solutions posed by all of the previous groups and develops a prioritized list of possible solutions. This list is then presented to the group.46

Collaboration approach web resources

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A great resource that lists teaching strategies that use a combination of
collaborative, thinking skills and visuals.
Go to:

Instructional Framework. Go to: