• Emphasize learner participation in learning style-based reflections to "learn about their ways of learning." It helps learners to find learning strategies that fit their strengths/interests. Learner-practitioner dialogue and frequent promotion by the practitioner will help learners begin to link the information about their intelligences/learning styles with new learning strategies. 51
Examples of how to teach spelling by incorporating the various learning styles and MI
This approach is an example of a multi-sensory approach.
  • Language: write down words and look up their meanings, spell out loud, discover how to chan ge a word to mean the opposite.
  • Spatial: write the words vertically, write words so their shapes make pictures of the words, break words into syllables and write each syllable in a different colour.
  • Logic/math: build word families, teach spelling rules which are the most consistent, practice prefixes and suffices in pattern exercises, and use proof writing for errors.
  • Body movement (kinesthetic): use the computer, use stencils to write words, trace letters in the air, make up words to show stress or spelling patterns.
  • Musical: use familiar tunes to memorize the letters in a word, use rhymes to remember words.
  • Social (interpersonal): play spelling games, play Scrabble.
  • Self (intrapersonal): picture a word in your head - What colour is it? Spell it backwards. How many letters are in it? Make a personal dictionary of words that are important to you.

Source http://literacyworks.org/mi/practice/teaching-spelling.html