Ongoing assessment
Module 2 covered assessment and focused on the initial assessment to help
both practitioners and learners understand the impact of their learning
disabilities. This section includes ongoing assessment since it is such an
integral part of the instructional process.
The need for ongoing monitoring and assessment is critical when working
with adults with learning disabilities. The ongoing assessment process needs
to be inclusive (both the learner and the practitioner) and it needs to be
constructive and elaborative by providing suggestions to improve or enhance
their learning. The ongoing assessment not only focuses on the learner's skill
acquisition but also examines any learning strategies the learner is accessing,
related accommodations and practitioner instructional approaches. Any one
variable or combination of these variables could impact a learner's success.
This emphasizes the need for frequent monitoring to help isolate any barriers
immediately and the need to problem-solve together with the learner to
identify alternative strategies, accommodations and instructional approaches.
Module 4 highlighted the need for learners to be responsible for charting their
progress, which helps to increase motivation and self-determination and helps
learners become responsible for their own learning. Although inquiry
questions have already been addressed in previous modules, to help evaluate
the use of learning strategies and accommodations, it is pertinent to cover
them again.
Ongoing assessment of learning strategies
Providing feedback to learners on their strategy use is a critical part of helping
them learn how to use a strategy effectively and how to change what they are
doing when a particular approach is not working. It is also important to
provide opportunities for learners to reflect upon their approach to and
completion of the task. What aspects of the task did they complete well? What
aspects were difficult? Did any problems arise, and what did they do to solve
the problems? What might they do differently the next time they have to
complete a similar task? It may be valuable to incorporate these questions into
a self-evaluation checklist for the learners' reference.