What to consider when looking at the results of the
screening tool
- Keep in mind that several of the characteristics can be true for all of
us at some time or another. Thus the characteristics need to seen
over time.
- When working with adults at the basic level, it is difficult to decide
when the observation of some of these behaviours represents a
normal stage of learning a new skill and when it suggests the
presence of a learning disability.
- To help distinguish between the two, look at both patterns of errors
and gather as much information about adults' earlier educational
experiences as possible.
- In addition,
"if learners appear intellectually capable in other
respects, but show little progress in one particular area that seems
out of place with what you might expect, practitioners' suspicions of
learning disabilities are most likely accurate." 74
Screening only identifies the possibility of a learning disability. It does not
offer a diagnosis nor does it provide a comprehensive picture of learners'
academic, cognitive and life-management strengths and weaknesses. It is only
the foundation or the beginning of the assessment process. This is a process of
growing dialogue and discovery involving both the practitioner and learner.