(3) Inventory
- Includes 19 questions
- Answered with a "yes" or "no"
- A score is calculated to determine if a referral for further testing
should be considered
- Covers learning influences and problems, arithmetic skills,
educational history, and mental health issues
- Can be completed independently, in a group, or can be read to the
(4) Interview
- Is individually administered
- The interviewer selects questions based on the responses to the
- Each person might be asked different Interview questions
- Eight possible questions are in the Interview
- No score is calculated from the Interview responses; the information
aids interpretation of other battery questions
(5) Validity check
- Examiner completes eleven questions
- Questions are answered after the testing is completed but before the
Rating Scales and Inventory are scored
- Questions focus on one critical decision by the examiner: Does the
examiner have any reason to believe that the scores from the battery
should be interpreted any differently for this person than for any
other person? If the answer is "yes," then the scores are suspect and
possibly invalid.
- ALDS Directions for Administrative Scoring and Interpretation =
- Individual ALDS Record Booklet = $3.00 each
- Available through Kaw Valley Resources, 785-331-3659, email