1. Visual closure:

    This refers to the ability to recognize an object or a symbol when the entire object or symbol is not visible.

  2. Object recognition:

    Some individuals have difficulty recognizing objects that are familiar to them.

  3. Whole/part relationships:

    Some people have difficulty integrating the relationship between an object in its entirety and the different parts that make it up. Some learners see only the pieces while others see only the whole (can see all the letters but not the word or see the word but not the letters). 4

Auditory Processing Deficits

The National Center for Learning Disabilities describes an auditory processing deficit as something that interferes with an individual's ability to analyze or make sense of information taken in through the ears. This is different from problems involving hearing such as deafness or being hard of hearing. Difficulties with auditory processing do not affect what is heard by the ear, but do affect how this information is interpreted, or processed by the brain.

An auditory processing deficit can interfere directly with speech and language, but can affect all areas of learning, especially reading and spelling. When instruction in school relies primarily on spoken language, the individual with an auditory processing deficit may have serious difficulty understanding the lesson or the directions.

4 Visual and Auditory Processing Disorders The National Center for Learning Disabilities