It should take you approximately one hour to administer the Delta Screener and At-Risk Summary Checklist.
Suggested Procedures
- Explain to the learner the purpose of the Delta Screener;
- Tell the learner that his/her answers will help you to understand his or her needs;
- Make sure that the learner knows the results are confidential and that the
privacy of the information will be respected;
- Encourage the learner to feel free to add comments or explanations to any of his/her answers;
- Explain to the learner that you will have to take notes during the interview;
- Make sure the learner understands the questions;
- Provide ample time for responses;
- When the learner answers "yes", ask for the specific information (i.e. if a
student responds 'Yes' to having participated in a Special Education class,
you should inquire further. For how long? What help did you receive? Was it effective? etc.)
- Use "tell me more" statements as needed.
Guidelines for completing the Delta Screener
It is suggested that the Delta Screener be used as part of an interview process rather than the
learner completing it on their own as the interview format provides an opportunity for a more
complete investigation of areas of concern.