Alternatively, learners who previously experienced academic success may have been provided with extensive home support, which is no longer available.

Although George has not failed any of his first year courses, he is struggling with the following areas and is concerned that if he doesn't get help soon he may fail some of his current courses.
George states he has difficulty reading and comprehending the material in his textbooks and he finds it difficult to take notes. George feels his memory skills are weak and needs help to organize and manage his workload.

Post-Secondary Academic Status
graphic of X Full-time student graphic of checkbox Part-time student graphic of checkbox Special Studies

Subject: Program Broadcasting Television Semester/Level: second year

  1. How many courses are you taking this semester? 6

    Please list each of your courses below:

    Film 202
    Film 203
    Film 207
    Film 204
    Film 205
    Film 209

  1. What difficulties are you having now?

    Summarizing and describing, reading textbooks and understanding what is said, limited vocabulary of text material, keeping up notes in a lecture format, time management.

  2. Please indicate any of the following problems currently affecting your learning:

    graphic of checkbox attendance
    graphic of X note taking
    graphic of checkbox disorganization
    graphic of X time management
    graphic of X study skills
    graphic of checkbox test taking
    graphic of checkbox not handing in assignments
    graphic of checkbox procrastination
    graphic of checkbox over-extended with work/activities
    graphic of X memory problems
    graphic of checkbox anxiety: test ___, speaking ___, performance ___