- Misinterpret language, have poor comprehension of what is said
- Have difficulty with social skills, may misinterpret social cues
- Find it difficult to memorize information
- Have difficulty following a schedule, being on time, or meeting deadlines
- Get lost easily, either driving and/or in large buildings
- Have trouble reading maps
- Often misread or miscopy
- Confuse similar letters or numbers, reverse them, or confuse their order
- Have difficulty reading the newspaper, following small print and/or following columns
- Be able to explain things orally, but not in writing
- Have difficulty writing ideas on paper
- Reverse or omit letters, words, or phrases when writing
- Have difficulty completing job applications correctly
- Have persistent problems with sentence structure, writing mechanics, and organizing written work
- Experience continuous problems with spelling the same word differently in one document
- Have trouble dialing phone numbers and reading addresses
- Have difficulty with math, math language, and math concepts
- Reverse numbers in a cheque-book and have difficulty balancing a cheque-book
- Confuse right and left, up and down
- Have difficulty following directions, especially multiple directions
- Be poorly coordinated
- Be unable to tell you what has just been said
- Hear sounds, words, or sentences imperfectly or incorrectly 13
The Georgia Assistive Technology (Tools for Life) Project outlines some general characteristics of a learning disability. These include:
- Auditory and Visual Deficits
- Oral/Verbal Expressive Language
- Memory/Recall
- Reasoning/Processing
- Organization
13 A Learning Disabilities Checklist adapted from the National Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center Checklist, LD Adults of Georgia,