graphic of dialog bubble: REMEMBER to ask the learner: Do you think this is accurate? What do you think this information means? Why do you think this skill or activity is difficult for you?

Summary of George's strengths and weaknesses

  • Motivated
  • Clear goal path
  • Good understanding of his strengths and weaknesses
  • Has experienced success - healthy self-esteem
  • Demonstrates strong technical skills and abstract reasoning
  • Good life skills

  • Verbal reasoning
  • Organizational time management skills
  • Auditory processing which appears to impact on his spelling and ability to take notes
  • Poor memory
  • Reading comprehension which impacts on writing skills-in particular, short answer and essay formats
  • Understanding math word problems

graphic of woman holding a question mark

Discussion question

Have you used the Delta Screening Tool before? If so, how effective was it? If not, would you consider using it? How would you use it in your program?