The individual:
- Has difficulty with short-term memory (e.g., following simple and/or multi-step
instructions, remembering material read and/or information presented orally);
- Cannot remember personal history or data (long-term memory);
- Has problems repeating information (says the same thing over and over without realizing);
- Has difficulty synthesizing discussion (time, place, events);
- Has difficulty retaining information without excessive rehearsal, practice, or other memory techniques;
- Has trouble remembering information read;
- Has trouble with multiple directions;
- Experiences difficulty retaining learned material;
- Has problems recalling simple instructions (e.g., how to deposit money in the bank).
The individual:
- Has difficulty absorbing major ideas from oral presentations (instructions, lectures, discussions);
- Makes frequent errors, both verbal and written;
- Demonstrates poor decision-making skills;
- Has poor abstract reasoning skills;
- Shows poor cause/effect reasoning;
- Has trouble recognizing and learning from mistakes;
- Cannot recognize mistakes;
- Has trouble moving from one idea to the next;
- Delays verbal responses;
- Takes longer on reasoning tasks;
- Has difficulty with abstractions; needs concrete demonstration;
- Has trouble following oral information;
- Has difficulty solving problems;
- Is unable to transfer or generalize skills and integrate information;
- Has difficulty drawing conclusions, making inferences, dealing with abstractions, seeing the whole.