All three taken together have been shown to be a very effective tool in finding indications
of learning disablities. Parts 1 and 2 are designed for the participants to complete
independently. They give clinical information about the ability of learners to work
independently and comprehend meaningful connected prose, follow directions and
provide written responses. Part 3 includes interview questions which are asked of the
participant by the practitioner. No training is needed and the instrument takes about 15 to
20 minutes to administer.
An in-depth look at the tool
Part 1 - Self-Rating Scale:
Assess learners' perception of their behaviours, preferences and abilities in a variety of
domains including:
- Reading
- Peer relations
- Applied academics
- Time management
- Goal setting/organization
- Written expression
- Vocational applications
The items have no right or wrong answers. Items lend themselves to a reply on a
continuum of "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree" or to choices involving frequency
from "almost always" to "almost never."
Sample questions:
"When I write, I have trouble putting my ideas in order"
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
"I carefully organize my time and plans"
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree
"I often feel frustrated"
Strongly agree
Strongly Disagree