Learner profile:
Male - 19 years old
Learned French before English yet reports he knows English best
Pierre is a fully bilingual (speaking) learner in a credit program
He attended French public school until Grade 8 and attained some basic high school credits
Goal path is to achieve his Grade 12
Part 1: Self-rating scale - highlights
Pierre responses were inconsistent. For example he responded "undecided" to "I am a
good speller" and then responded "rarely" to "I have trouble spelling common words".
He responded "never/almost never" to "I make lists of what I have to do" but responded
"always/almost always" to "I keep a list of jobs to do".
The only real consistent response was related to his social skills and verbal skills. Pierre
responded consistently that both of these areas are areas of strength. Pierre's rating score
was 346. If the score is smaller than 338, then a learning disability is possible.
Part 2: Self-administered inventory - highlights
- Family member has a learning problem
- Has difficulty with attention or concentration
- Had learning difficulties in school
- Was not held back in school
- Has received special education services
- Did fail some high school classes
- Has difficulty multiplying and dividing numbers
Pierre's inventory score was 273. If the score is larger than 309, then a learning
disability is possible.
Part 3: Interview - highlights
- Pierre indicated that his sister is intellectually impaired
- He first started having learning problems in Grade 2
- He doesn't recall when he was tested for special education