Practitioner observations and self-management skills and behaviours
Only when the behaviour is consistent and observed over a
considerable period of time should you acknowledge that the
behaviour(s) may indicate the possibility of a learning disability.
The learner:
- Has difficulty concentrating/focusing (needs to be brought back to task)
- Is easily distracted, has difficulty sitting still and is restless
- Displays off-task behavior
- Lacks productivity and seems confused at times
- Fidgets and is impatient
- Talks excessively
- Acts impulsive (for example, acts without thinking and without seeming concern
for the consequences, says one thing and means another, blurts out answers and interrupts)
- Appears not to listen to what is being said
- Displays memory problems
The learner:
- Has poor organizational skills for his or her physical environment, time and tasks
- Experiences difficulty sequencing, prioritizing, grouping or categorizing
- Experiences difficulty grasping similarities between items and relating parts to the whole
- Experiences orientation problems and difficulty with directionality: left/right,
up/down, and north/south/east/west