In the administration manual for the Cooper Screening Tool, you will find for each section covered in the tool:
  • the purpose for each area of questioning
  • what to look for in the learners' responses (how they respond, verbal and non verbal communication)
  • special considerations ( adaptations that can be made and/or responses you will expect to see regarding particular questions that provide significant evidence for potential learning disabilities)

There is no training required to use the Cooper Screening Tool, however since it is quite comprehensive it may take some practice before a practitioner is fully comfortable with administering the tool.

A closer look at some of the areas covered in the Cooper Screening Tool

graphic of man reading a book

Case Study - Brian

22 years old
Completed a modified Grade 12; best subject was computers
Was tested for LD and ADD


The purpose of the Auditory Sectio n is to determine if the person has difficulty with auditory perception and racing thoughts that limit auditory perception.