When the person exhibits spelling problems, it is best to determine what types of problems are the most challenging to understand what strategies to use and to increase the learners self-awareness. Encourage the learner to write every day and use mnemonic clues, letter stacking, and word part patterns.

Basic Math Skills

If the person struggles with his or her multiplication tables, incorporate a number of techniques that the learner may find helpful such as the use of counting exercises, Tic Tac Toe Math (http://www.teach-nology.com/worksheets/math/tictac/) and mnemonic clues. If the leaner knows the multiplication tables but counts or guesses addition and subtraction facts, Dr. Cooper suggests that you remediate the addition facts by identifying the facts that the person knows and have the person study the others until mastered.

Math Skills

If fractions are a challenge, incorporate pattern of the halves, pattern of the eighths and sixteenths and the mnemonic of the swimming pool.
The swimming pool: By visualizing or actually drawing a swimming pool next to a fraction, the person can easily remember which number to divide into which.

graphic of the fraction 'one half' beside a swimming pool

The number on the diving board dives into the pool that becomes a division problem. This simple mnemonic eliminates the confusion.


Assist the student in establishing a systematic and regular study of words. Use mnemonic clues and associations to help students remember the meanings of words. For example, pair pictures with words you need to learn. Studies have shown that this is an effective and efficient way to memorize vocabulary. Or, instead of using real pictures, visualize a word you need to remember. This is much more effective than merely repeating the word. Another method often used is Semantic mapping. Arrange the words into a diagram with the key word at the top and related words as branches linked to the key word and to each other. You can practice this technique in a group.