Possible reasons behind the spelling errors
The following list was taken from Screening for Success (2001) produced by the
Learning Disabilities Association of Canada.
Auditory processing challenges
- Mispronunciations
- Omission of sounded letters
- Wrong, extra or missing syllables, prefixes or suffixes
- Inverted words
Visual memory challenges
- Reversals
- Omission of silent letters
- Phonetic substitutions
- Homonym confusions
- Errors may be related to lack of memory for spelling rules
Visual-spatial abilities
- Difficulty discriminating visually similar letters/words
- Difficulty discriminating correct spelling and misspellings
- Can spell orally but not in writing
- Poor letter formation
- Poor letter spacing
- Poor word spacing
- Slow speed of writing
Sample spelling list results
It is helpful to conduct an analysis of a learner's spelling to see if there is a consistent
pattern in the types of errors. This helps the learner to become more conscious of the
kinds of errors they tend to make and helps to focus energy on developing spelling
strategies to help manage the difficulties.