Initial journey of discovery comes to an end
What did we see and learn during our journey?
Let us recap our journey:
- Both the learner and the practitioner have a better understanding of potential learning barriers.
- They both have a better understanding of the impact the identified learning
barriers have on the learner's ability to learn.
- Together the practitioner and learner can develop a training plan based on the
discoveries made during the journey. They can address the areas of need, build on
the learner's strengths and implement existing or new learning/teaching strategies
tailored to the individual learner.
Where do we go from here?
Together, we have gathered sufficient information on the learner's
strengths and weaknesses. We have a good perspective on the potential
barriers that can impinge on the learner's ability to learn. Based on our
initial journey, we are ready to develop the learner's training plan. We
recognize we will continue to venture on our journey of discovery as the
learner progresses in his or her training.
Our new focus: Day trips
- During the training process, you will test any assumptions and identified needs. If
barriers persist, it may require the learner and practitioner to venture on a day trip
to gain a clearer understanding of the learning barriers and /or to discover new barriers.