It is important to remember that when working with either of these two groups, we must
focus on what they "can do" as opposed to what they "cannot do". We know that the
limited intellectual potential of individuals with intellectual impairments makes it difficult
for them to transfer information. This is why it is important to provide learners with
appropriate teaching instruction and avoid setting individuals up for failure by giving them
strategies they can't use.
Causes of Learning Disabilities
"It is obvious that anything which affects the brain will affect learning. It is now well
substantiated that factors within the brain itself, genetic influences as well as influences in
the environment can all have an impact on learning and consequently on learning
disabilities. In the area of reading disabilities, for example, careful research has estimated
that about half of the individual differences in these conditions are related to genetic
factors." 22
Research tells us that learning disabilities can be caused by genetics, congenital factors
(originating prior to birth) and acquired neurobiological factors (an illness or injury that
affects the brain early in life). Studies that suggest learning disabilities are caused by
genetic factors are greatly substantiated by the number of individuals in families who are
identified with similar learning disabilities. These similarities can be seen particularly
among siblings from the same family.
Congenital factors (originating prior to birth) are linked to being causes of learning
disabilities. During pregnancy, it is well established that both prescription and non-prescription
drugs (especially alcohol and nicotine) can contribute to disorders which may
include learning disabilities. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects are the
best-known syndromes in this group. Infections of the mother during pregnancy (such as
rubella or measles) can also negatively affect the fetal brain, leading to different types of
learning difficulties, depending on the nature of the infection and the gestational period
during which it occurs.
22 Congenital Versus Acquired Causes of Learning Disabilities,
Learning Disabilities Association OntarioPromoting Early Intervention Project. 1999