Among reasons for job termination, social skills problems rank second only to incompetence (White, 1992). Adults who struggle with social skills often have difficulty reading the nonverbal signals of others and adjusting their own body language. Nancie describes her difficulties with controlling her own voice tone:

"I don't hear the tone of voice. I don't hear it when it comes out - people have to tell me. I can recognize it in other people, but I can't recognize it in my own tone of voice. Sometimes I think I've been screaming. I'll say to somebody, 'Was I kind of loud in that last section?' because I was really animated or something. I'll make some kind of excuse and people will say, 'No, I don't think so at all,' but at that point it sounds like screaming in my head." 4

Regardless of how the social skill problems present themselves, they can have a significant impact on an individual's career path.

Previous negative school experiences are another issue that can have an impact on a learners' vocational career. Some individuals do not even consider certain career paths because of their negative school experiences. Just because an individual does not perform well in learning situations does not always determine their potential to have a successful career. While some individuals only focus on their academic problems, others do what they can to make it through high school and follow some sort of passion that leads them to a successful career. Individuals who focus on their academic problems may have limited career goals because they might not be able to recognize their strengths or be able to market their abilities.

Untapped potential can be another reason why individuals with learning disabilities struggle with employment issues. Many individuals with learning disabilities feel frustrated in jobs where they are underemployed and are not utilizing their potential. They are all too aware of the opportunities that are out there to become trained and skilled in various designations. However, because they don't always perform well in learning situations their potential often remains unrecognized and untapped. Many adults with LD feel misunderstood and unappreciated in the workplace.

4 Roffman, Arlyn J. Meeting the Challenge of Learning Disabilities in Adulthood. 2000.