Predictors of Success
The following information comes from a longitudinal study that Dr. Marshall Raskind of
the Frostig Center called, "Patterns of Change and Predictors of Success in Individuals
with LD." According to this study individuals with learning disabilities who found
success possessed the following attributes:
1) Self-Awareness
2) Proactivity
3) Perseverance
4) Goal-setting
5) Presence and use of effective support systems
6) Emotional stability
- Self awareness
The successful individuals often referred to themselves as "learning disabled." They
were very open about their difficulties and described life events in terms of their LD.
At the same time however, they were not overly defined by their difficulties. These
individuals were able to "compartmentalize" their disability- seeing their difficulties
as only one aspect of themselves. They also accepted their LD and utilized
appropriate services to overcome difficulties whenever possible. Many of the
"successfuls" also had a clear picture of their individual strengths and weaknesses,
recognizing and accepting their talents along with their limitations.
- Proactivity
Successful individuals with LD were actively engaged in the world around them.
They tended to socialize, participate in community activities, and take an active role
in their families, neighborhoods, and friendship groups. They believed they had the
power to control their own destiny and affect the outcome of their lives. The ability to
make decisions and act upon those decisions to control their lives was also evident.
Furthermore, these individuals displayed an internal locus of control. After making
decisions and acting upon them, they faced the consequences- taking responsibility
for both positive and negative outcomes.