After a problem on the jobAdvantages: Opportunity to prove oneself on job before disclosure Disadvantages: Employer may accuse you of falsifying your application; Can perpetuate disability myths and misunderstandings NeverAdvantages: Employer and coworkers will not automatically assume that any work performance issues are disability related; you will not be asked to explain your disability. Disadvantages: If disability is discovered, you run the risk of being fired. SummarySelf-advocacy is vitally important for individuals with learning disabilities. There are
many barriers that could prevent effective self-advocating: poor self-awareness as a
learner; not knowing who to contact to obtain necessary job accommodations ; not being
able to articulate personal strengths and needs.
Disclosure is also an important issue that impacts employment for individuals with learning disabilities. Learners can be taught how to disclose and the pros and cons of when to disclose. |
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