Destination EmploymentThis is a pre-employment program for learning disabled adults, initiated by our national office in Ottawa - the Learning Disabilities Associatio n of Canada - and funded through the national component of the Opportunities Fund (OF), Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC). This program is for: unemployed adults who are 18 or over who know or suspect they have a learning disability. The program includes a pre-assessment screening, followed by a complete formal assessment to determine strengths and weaknesses, individual and group work on communication, goal setting, learning preferences, problem areas, rewriting resumes, defining the type of work and environment most suitable to the individual's strengths and weaknesses, pursuing counselling, medication or medication changes, receiving and giving support, and self advocacy. To find out about this program in your area please contact the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada ( The Learning Disabilities Association
of Canada (National Office) Workink Job Accommodation Service JAS can be used by anyone who wants general job accommodation advice, including:
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