If the learner:
- Takes longer to understand and respond to your questions, but the quality of the answer is good
- Has trouble giving clear, concise answers to simple questions
- Complains of trouble focussing
- Needs rewording of questions, but answers are good
- Has trouble with attendance and follow through
Use these strategies to help build on strengths:
- Provide more time for the learner to finish work
- Provide calendar with weekly plan
- Provide written detailed explanation for projects
- Help the learner develop task management skills - make expectations clear, break
the task down into component parts
- Help the learner develop skills for organizing space - physically show them
(model) how to organize their notes, binder, workspace etc.
For some excellent strategies for adults with learning disabilities, please refer to Mel
Levine's website www.allkindsofminds.org
This website has a section entitled "Learning Base" where you can find strategies in specific
areas such as numeracy, expressive writing, time management, etc. To access the strategies you must first
enter the Clinician's section, then go to the Library and on to the Learning Base.