Motivation to Upgrade Literacy Skills
The participants in this study were asked to explain how increasing
their literacy skills
would enhance or improve their lives. Seventeen participants (66%)
addressed the
question and their responses revealed not just the perceived advantages
of greater
literacy skills but also their sadness and the sense of loss resulting
from living a life
without these essential skills. As several participants said:
Sentenced to a life of academic poverty, education gives
credibility to life but that was denied me.” (BC2)
Dream of future taken away from me.” (SK2)
I’ve not had the ability to read what I want – comic books
Shakespeare.” (BC12)
You can train your head and then there’s nothing stopping
you, I try to tell my kids not to end up like me.” (NB5)
The participant’s insights have been organized under the following
- Reclaim self-esteem
- Afford new interests / opportunities
- Enjoy reading and writing
- Communicate with the world
Reclaim Self-esteem
The participants spoke of the increase in self-esteem and confidence
anticipated gaining with increased literacy skills, and that they would
stop feeling
stupid,” “self-doubt,” “regain a sense of lost
potential,” “feel like I measure up to my
able-bodied friends,” and “be less afraid to ask for help.” As
two participants said:
I’d be a lot further ahead if someone had taken the time to teach
me to learn the
basics of reading and writing” (BC2), and “my life could have
been a different story
who knows what I would have been able to do” (SK1).
Afford New Interests / Opportunities
Participants spoke of the possibility of pursuing further education,
getting a job or a better job “an enjoyable one instead of anything
that came along or
is offered,”(SK1), applying for promotion, “be less afraid
of someone finding out what
I can’t do at work,” and achieving a Grade 12 education.
Enjoy Reading and Writing
Several participants identified that they loved reading and just wished
that it could be
less effort for them. Many participants wanted to enjoy reading for
the relaxation and
intellectual improvement they associated with it. Their comments illustrate
desire: |