· Life Experience
Learners have accumulated a foundation of life experience and knowledge
that may
include work-related activities, family responsibilities and previous
education. They
need to connect new learning to this existing knowledge and experience
base. It is
important that these adult experiences and capabilities are fully acknowledged.
Goal Orientation
Instructors must clearly demonstrate to program participants how each
part of the
program has been designed to assist them to attain their personal goals.
Learners need to understand the reason for learning something. Instructors
need to
collaboratively develop learning objectives with individual participants
at the
beginning of the course and be prepared to revise them as the course
Such objectives used as a dynamic rather than static mechanism promotes
relevancy of content and instruction and ensures accountability.
The adult learning literature suggests that adults are frequently motivated
to learn by
the desire to achieve a specific task or acquire a skill that has a practical
function in
their lives. Learners need not necessarily be interested in knowledge
for its own
sake. As such, instructors need to explicitly demonstrate how the topic
being taught
will be useful to the learners.
Instructors must acknowledge the wealth of experience that adult participants
to the classroom. Learners must be regarded as equal partners in the
process and be encouraged to freely express their opinions in class,
sessions and at key points during the program. Learners should also be
given the
opportunity to provide feedback to the instructor and see this input
acted upon in
revising and modifying course content and instructional strategies.
Self-Esteem / Confidence
Issues of self-esteem and confidence are deeply personal and sensitive
, and, as
such, can cause people to become defensive and embarrassed. It is therefore
imperative that instructors are aware of the potential learning barriers
that these
issues represent and act appropriately. Being disillusioned with the
system and demoralized by the lack of constructive support can potentially
individuals from accessing appropriate services and claiming their
right to support
and assistance. The attitude of others may result in low expectations,
teasing and
rejection. It is critical that instructors are sensitive to these issues
and work to build
confidence and promote self-esteem. |