APPENDIX 1: Interview Questions / Guide
- Thank you for agreeing to help us with our research. You are
helping us because
you feel you have some trouble with reading and writing. Can you tell
us how you
think your trouble with reading and writing has made a difference in
your life?
- How is your reading and writing? Which of these sentences
describes your reading
and writing best?
(1) I can’t read or write at all
(2) I have a lot of trouble reading and writing anything
(3) I can read and write some things but have problems with others
- Would you like to be able to read and write better? If yes, why?
If no, why not?
- How has learning to read and write been for you? Would
you say it has been easy or
difficult hard?
- Have other people tried teaching you to read and write
in the past? Who were they?
- How do you feel about being able to read
and write?
- What has made it hard for you to learn to read and write?
- Do you
think your physical disability made it harder for you to learn to read?
If yes,
- Has it made it harder for you to learn to write? If yes,
- What helped you to learn to read the way you can now? (Were there
tools/equipment, people etc.)?
- What do you think would help you to improve
your reading skills in the future?
- How do you think reading and writing
better would change your life?
- Have you ever been told you have a learning
disability? If yes, do you know what
- If yes, did the places where you learned to read and write
know that you have a
learning disability?
- Do other people know you have trouble reading
and writing? If so, what do they
think? If not, why don't they know?
- Do you know anyone else who has
trouble reading and writing who might be
interested in helping us with this research?
- Once we have some more
information to share, would you like to take part in a
group discussion about what we learned?