Funding for the research, upon which this report is based, was generously
provided by
the National Literacy Secretariat. Their mission is to ensure that
Canadians have
opportunities to develop and improve their ever-expanding literacy
skills needed to
function at work, at home and in the community, and to support the
development and
dissemination of information on literacy issues to increase awareness
The following individuals lent their support and contributed
their ideas and expertise to
the project:
- The participants in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario and
who agreed to be interviewed for this study and who generously shared
literacy activity experiences with us.
- The project advisory group
and steering committee members:
- Joel Macht: Program Coordinator,
NSF, British Columbia
- Manal Allagabo-Ahmed: Literacy Practitioner,
NSF. Saskatchewan
- Rod Ashfield: Acting Regional Manager, NSF, Saskatchewan
- Kathy
Innes: Literacy Practitioner, OCDSB/NSF, Ontario
- Rachel Derks:
Literacy Tutor, NSF, Ottawa.
- May Burrell: Regional Manager, NSF,
New Brunswick
- Sandra Doucette: Literacy Practitioner, NSF, New Brunswick
- Randy Dickinson: Executive Director of the New Brunswick
Premier's Council
- on the Status of Disabled Persons
- Teena Thomlinson, Executive Director, Disabled Persons Community
Resources, Ottawa
- Laurie Beachell: Council of Canadians with Disabilities
- Steve
Zary: South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre (SSILC)
- Kim
Blevins: Communications Coordinator, Saskatchewan Literacy Network
- Shelley Hourston: Program Director, BC Coalition of People
with Disabilities
- Wellness and Disability Initiative, Health
Literacy Network
- Claudette Larocque: Information Officer, Learning
Disability Association of
- Marcello Perseo: Career Development Facilitator, Ottawa-Carleton
Independent Living Centre (OCILC)
- Pat Colpitts: Literacy Practitioner,
- Angie Allard: - HRDC, BC
- Starr Mass: Independent Project Advisor,
BC Coalition of People with
- Linda Mitchell: Executive Director, Literacy BC
- Jan Greer Langley:
Executive Director, New Brunswick Coalition for Literacy
- Ron
Harris: PhD., L. Psych.: Administrative Director, River Valley
- Lucas Foss: Capilano College, North
Vancouver, BC
- Don Bentley: Capilano College, North Vancouver,
NSF Literacy Study Report
July 2004