The course modules developed were as follows (see Appendix G):

Worksite field days were scheduled to assess the effectiveness of the participants’ skills when operating heavy equipment, basic hand tools, and practicing safety awareness on the worksite.

Program Instructors

Based on their training, experience and subject matter knowledge, two subject matter experts were involved in the development of this program. Laurie Todd, of Occupational Health and Safety Consulting, was the primary program facilitator and delivered the program with the assistance of Rick Kouk, of Operating Engineers of Manitoba. These instructors were instrumental in the assessment of the participants in the classroom and in the field. Both instructors also contributed to the program design by providing module-specific materials for adaptation and inclusion in the final curriculum.

Participant Selection

Information sessions were organized to provide details on this pilot training program and to identify potential program participants. For the first information session, a flyer was developed and circulated through various employment agencies including Employment and Training Services, as well as the Employment Centres in Winnipeg and Selkirk. It was also advertised in the Winnipeg Sun newspaper. Three people attended this session. Due to the poor turnout, a second session was necessary to provide a larger pool of applicants. A second flyer was circulated through targeted organizations including Labour and Immigration, Construction Employer groups, and the Operating Engineers of Manitoba. It was also advertised in the Winnipeg Free Press. The second session provided a larger number of potential applicants. A total of 31 people attended the sessions. Of the 31, four people attended for informational purposes, twenty-four applied for the program, and three people decided not to pursue the program.